Dr Alex Harrison PhD MSc BSC
Research Fellow
NACR, The University of York.
Job Role
Large data set management and analysis, including complex hierarchical methods.
Disseminate through publications, seminar and conference presentations
Perform research projects, with the aim to publish and inform policy makers.
Continue to partake in educational activities such as; improving IT skills with programs such as SPSS and Stata.
Supervise MSc students that are performing dissertations using NACR data.
Give presentations at the BACPR annual conference.
Participate with NHS England, BHF & PHE.
Peer reviewer for journals.
Member of the NACR steering Group.
Ongoing Funded Roles
National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation
BHF Charity funded
Collaboration with University of Southern Denmark
Funded role
Collaboration with PH_PRU project
Investigating perceptions of Climate change UK population
Funded Role
Named author on 23 peer-reviewed publications.
Contributor Chapter in BACPR Core components book
Listed in REF impact case 2021
Research lead in the coordination of research into teaching of the undergraduate and postgraduate Nursing degrees.
Award – Health Sciences. Making a Difference – May 2017
Approved Accredited Researcher by the Office of National statistics – valid from Sept 2017- Jul 2027.
Associated with the Health sciences department submission for Silver Athena Swan
Attended the CHE Hospital Episode Statistics Course
December 2019.
Affiliated Guest Researcher at:
Dept. of Regional Health Research
University of Southern Denmark
Dept. of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
Naestved, Slagelse & Ringsted Hospitals
March 2020
‘Education is not the learning of facts, but training the mind to think’ – Albert Einstein.
National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation – Current Post
It’s Aims:
Monitor and support cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) teams and commissioners in delivering high-quality and effective services, to evidence-based standards, for the benefit of all eligible patients.
Alex Harrison representing the Cardiovascular Health and Research Group at the Department of Health Science’s pre-registration nursing conference.
Supporting and engaging with cardiovascular patients that are specifically participating in self-managed rehabilitation.
Latest Peer Reviewed Journals
Factors influencing the uptake of cardiac rehabilitation by cardiac patients with a comorbidity of stroke.
A.S.HarrisonaN.J.GaskinsbL.A.ConnellbcP.Dohertya, IJC Heart & Vasculature April 2020
Factors influencing implementation of aerobic exercise after stroke: a systematic review
Gaskins, N. J., Bray, E., Hill, J. E., Doherty, P. J., Harrison, A. & Connell, L. A., 25 Dec 2019.
To what extent is multi-morbidity associated with new onset depression in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation?
Sever, S., Doherty, P., Harrison, A. S. & Golder, S., 14 Nov 2019
Improving cardiac rehabilitation uptake: Potential health gains by socioeconomic status
Hinde, S., Bojke, L., Harrison, A., DOherty, P., 8th May 2019, In European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 26,17, p. 1816-1823.
Determinants of depression in patients with comorbid depression following cardiac rehabilitation
Sever, S., Harrison, A. S., Golder, S. P. & Doherty, P. J., 9 Apr 2019, In : Open Heart. 6, 1, 6 p.
What factors are associated with patients walking fitness when starting cardiac rehabilitation?
Minotto, M., Harrison, A. S., Grazzi, G., Myers, J. & Doherty, P. J., Mar 2019, In : IJC Heart & Vasculature. 22, p. 26-30
Determinants of walking fitness in patients with heart failure attending cardiac rehabilitation
Doherty, P. J., Harrison, A. S. & Hossain, R., 27 Feb 2019, In : Open Heart. 6, 1, p. e000866 e000866.
Does the mode of delivery in routine cardiac rehabilitation have an association with cardiovascular risk factor outcomes?
Harrison, A. S. & Doherty, P., 1 Dec 2018, In : European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 25, 18, 9 p.
Are physical fitness outcomes in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation determined by the mode of delivery?
Harrison, A. S., Tang, L. H. & Doherty, P. J., 16 Jul 2018, In : Open Heart. 7 p.
Factors influencing change in walking ability in patients with heart failure undergoing exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation
Sutherland, N., Harrison, A. & Doherty, P., 18 May 2018, In : International Journal of Cardiology.
Gender differences in the factors predicting initial engagement at cardiac rehabilitation
Galdas, P. M., Harrison, A. S. & Doherty, P. J., 27 Mar 2018, In : Open Heart. 5, p. 1-8 8 p., e000764.
Does the mode of delivery in Cardiac Rehabilitation determine the extent of psychosocial health outcomes?
Harrison, A. S. & Doherty, P., 15 Mar 2018, In : International Journal of Cardiology. 255, p. 136-139 4 p.
Additional Published Work
Authorship in print
NACR published chapter in Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation in Practice

Cardiac Rehabilitation NACR work listed in:
NICE quality Statement Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Published Paper
Around 20 million adults in the UK are physically inactive.
Published Paper
Does the mode of delivery in Cardiac Rehabilitation determine the extent
of psychosocial health outcomes? Editorial.

Cardiac Rehabilitation NACR work listed in:
NHS long term plan.

Cardiac Rehabilitation NACR work listed in:
NICE Impact Report: CVD management.
Presentation (ppt)
A joint programme set up in 2015 by BACPR and NACR with the aim to assess standards being met and drive service delivery.
Audio Presentation
Relationship between employment and mental health outcomes following cardiac rehabilitation.

King James's School
King James School, 2003-2010, gained experience in volunteering, leadership through helping in classrooms, and primary school, Prefect. 16 GCSEs and 3 A levels. Sports – basketball, rugby, tennis and athletics.

University of Hull
University of Hull, achieved BSc Hons Biology. Free elective in first year – learned how to scuba dive, progressed to advanced open water qualification. Second year I took part in Hull children’s mentoring, where I took children out of their normal classroom and gained a wider understanding of life. Third year field trip included group research methods and team building.

University of York
University of York, completed my Msc and PhD.
Achieved Msc Health Research. Improved my own research skills, scientific writing and knowledge. Completed a 100 credit dissertation on Volume-outcome relationships, which has lead to my current employment with the NACR working as a Data Analyst and Health Service researcher.